miércoles, 3 de marzo de 2021

Around the city


 I ) Watch these videos and learn .

 a- Where is it ? On , in under .


b-Where is the spider ? On , in under .



 c-In front of, behind , between.



 d- Between , next to , opposite .



II ) Do these activities and send them to my E-mail address: evamaria.perez@edu.xunta.gal

a ) Places in the city :

 b) Places in a town or city :


c ) In my town :



 d ) There is - There are 

e ) Where can I buy ?


f) Giving directions :



 e) How can I get to:


martes, 23 de febrero de 2021


  What is he /she like ? Watch the video and learn the vocabulary. Make sentences with all the adjectives.


 Personality song . Learn and sing the song.



 More vocabulary to describe people :

Do these activities and when you finish click on "send to your teacher ". Then write my E-mail address :evamaria.perez@edu.xunta.gal



2- https://es.liveworksheets.com/rj4744tp



sábado, 20 de febrero de 2021




I-Let´s start with this funny song . Sing and dance : "Touch your head .



II- Enjoy these interesting action songs with your family :




 III- Now watch and listen to a great story : The very hungry caterpillar .



  Have a good time singng and dancing the song : "Hungry caterpillars ".



domingo, 24 de enero de 2021

A TRIP AROUND LONDON :4th,5th and 6th Grades.

                LET´S TRAVEL TO LONDON



A-London Town song and vocabulary of the city :


- 1st activity : Write and complete these comparative sentences on your notebook :

-The Thames is ( short ) ________  ________ The Seine . 

- London Bridge is (long ) ________ ________ a plane.

-London Eye is (tall ) __________  ________The  Big Ben. 

-London is ( big ) ________ _________ Berlin.

- A black taxi is (fast ) __________  _______ a man .

- A red bus is (slow) __________  _________ a van.


B- Sing and learn the London rap song  : 


- 2nd activity  : Write these questions on your notebook and answer them:

- What is The Big Ben ?  

. It is a _______.

- Where can you learn about space , astonauts and rockets ? 

.You can learn about all that at the ____________ _______________.

-Where can you see Egyptian Mummies ? 

.You can see them at the _________ _________.

-Where can you see reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates ?

.You can see them at the __________  _________ .

 - How high is the London Eye ?

. It´s ___________ ________ high.

 -Where does the Queen sleep/live ?

. She sleeps /lives in ____________  _________ .

-Where does the Prime Minister sleep /live ?

.He sleeps / lives at __________  ___________.

- If you tired what do you need to eat and drink ?

. You need to eat _______ and _____ and you need to drink ____ ____ ___ ____.


C- Kids view : What to do in London : Insider tips from local kids.


3rd activity : Write , answer and complete these sentences on your notebook :

- "Local kids spill the beans on London "  means  :

a) They tell secrets about London .

b) They tell lies about London .

c) They eat beans in London.

- London is the capital city of ____________. 

- London history is really ______ to learn about . 

- There ______ lots of museums in London.

-One of the most famous places in London is  ____________  _________  .

- The Buckingham Palace guard _________ smile .

- There are lots of _______ places like London dungeon and the London Brit experience.

- The _______ thing for kids is South Bank .

- The London Eye carries ___________ people every _________ minutes. 

- One of the (big )  ____________ wax work at Madame Tussauds museum is Hulk.

- Nelson´s column is right in the middle of Trafalgar ___________.

-Duck Tours are __________ . Then it turns into a ________ and you drive straight into the 

________ Thames .

- It´s really _______ to go around the double - decker ________. 

- You can _______ on the Tube , you can ________ or you can _________.


D- Things to do in London with kids :

- 4th activity  : Write these questions and answer them on your notebook :

 - What is the name of the first attraction that the two brothers visit?

. It is _______ ___________.

- Is it a medieval castle or a bridge ?

. It´s ___ _______ ________.

-What is more uncomfortable a throne  or a sofa ?

. A ________ is _______  _____________ _____ ____ _______.

-What can you see in the Crown Jewels?

. You can see ________ , _________ _and_____ _______ _______.

- What is the second place that the two brothers visit ?

- It is ________  _________.

- What place do they visit next ?

. They visit  _______ _________ .

- Is it a square or a museum ?

It´s a ___________.

-What can you see there ?

. You can see _______________________.

-How do they go to the next attraction ?

. They go ___ ________.

- Where do they go ?

.They go to ___________ __________.

-What do they do there ?

. They _________________.

-What´s their last stop ?

. Their last stop is __________ __________.

What do they  do there ? 

- They _________________________________.

E-London sightseeing :


F-Top ten London Attractions :



 G-London Quiz part one :


H- London Quiz part two :


 I- London Quiz part three:

J- London Quiz part four :

K- London Quiz part five :

IV ) PROJECT :  Plan your trip around London . 

L- Click on this picture and have a look to this website :

- 5th activity  : Write and answer these questions on your notebook :

1- What do you want to see in London?

- I want to see  _____________ , _______________and ___________________. 

2-What do you want to visit in London?

- I want to visit _______________ , ________________ and __________________.

3- What do you want to do in London ?

- Example : I want to  ride the London Eye and do the Hop-on , hop off bus tour  .

4- How much is  each ticket of the all the attractions you want to see or visit ?

Example :  -The London Eye ticket is 24 pounds and 50 pence and the Hop-on, hop off bus touris 29 pounds.

5-How much does it cost everything you want to see , to visit and  to do in London ?

- It costs ............... pounds and ...... pence.

6- Is it cheap or expensive ?

-It is  ___________________.

7-What is/are the most expensive London attractions ? And the cheapest ?

- The most expensive London attraction/s is/are ________________.

- The cheapest London attraction/s  is /are ________________.

8- What is/are the most expensive London Sightseeing Tour/s  ? And the cheapest ? 

- The most expensive London Sightseeing Tour/s  is/are ________________.

- The cheapest London Sightseeing Tour/s  is /are ________________.




martes, 17 de noviembre de 2020


 Bos días, queridos alumnos e alumnas, hoxe imos xogar coas palabras.

Neste traballo tedes que colocar as vogais que corresponden.

Neste outro tedes que colocar as sílabas para formar a palabra.

Un biquiño moi forte, Julia.

lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2020


Bo día aos que aínda estades na casa!

Sabede que vos botamos moito en falta e agardamos que volvades pronto.

Esta semana propoñemos este traballo:


Tema nº 2: os seres vivos e os ecosistemas. Comeza lendo a lectura da páxina 24e respostando ás preguntas. Logo podes ver este vídeo e comezar a facer o esquema das páxinas 26 á 29.



Resposta ás preguntas da páxina 24: exercicios 1,2,3 e 4. Logo fai os exerecicios 7,8 e 9.

Seguimos coas páxinas 26 e 27 repasando o vocabulario sobre A FAMILIA.

Agora, podes ver este vídeo bastante divertido:


Na páxina 29 verás os distintos tipos de oracións. Fai os exercicios.


Leemos la información y hacemos los ejercicios de la página 31 sobre la narración.

Ahora, inventa una historia sobre tu animal favorito y escríbela en 3ª persona, como si tú fueras el narrador o narradora.

Repasamos la unidad 2 haciendo los ejercicios de la página 34-35 (del 1 al 9)

Pide a un familiar que te ayude a hacer el dictado de la página 35.


Repasamos la unidad 2  con los ejercicios de las páginas34 y 35.

¿Te atreves con el DESAFÍO de la página 37?

Recuerda que, si tienes problemas con la multiplicación, en el Aula Virtual tienes un vídeo que te explica cómo multiplicar con números que tienen un 0 intermedio. 

Repasa las tablas que más te cuesten y pide a tus familiares que te las pregunten desordenadas, así comprobarás si las has aprendido bien.


Estamos en tempo de outono, de castañas e follas secas,... Deseña e debuxa a túa coroa decorativa con elementos naturais desta época. No centro, escribe a palabra OUTONO.

Por último, na Aula Virtual, na asignatura de VALORES, podes ver unha película que conta o difícil camiño de nenas e nenos de distintos países para chegar ás súas escolas. Unha historia de valentes.


 Bos días alumnos/as hoxe imos repasar a canción do outono

e despois de cantar imos repasar sumas:

 e agora imos pintar só os que están en vertical ou horizontal coma no exemplo do cadradiño.

que teñades un bó día. Moitos biquiños, Julia.



Ola! Como estades? Espero que ben e traballando moito.

Aquí vos deixo o traballo para esta semana.

C. da Natureza:

Esta semana imos estudar o reino das plantas. Algunhas das cousas xa as vistes no curso anterior, así que solo é recordar. Tedes que saber as partes dunha planta; a clasificación, coas características de cada clase; como realizan a función de reprodución (en qué consiste a fotosíntese); e tamén como se reproducen.

Para eso, terás que estudar os distintos apartados das páxinas 20 ata 26 do libro. Os seguintes videos axudaranche a entendelo mellor.






Logo, fai os exercicios que che propoñen ao final de cada páxina.



Página 50 y 51. Ahí nos explica qué es un hiato (dos vocales que se escriben juntas pero que están en sílabas distintas, por lo tanto se pronuncian separadas). Lee atentamente y luego haz los ejercicios.



Le atentamente as páxinas 49 e 50. Recorda que unha oración é un conxunto de palabras que ten sentido completo. Por exemplo, se digo A miña compañeira de clase  ten sentido, pero non completo. Non sabemos que nos quere dicir. En cambio A miña compañeira de clase chámase Nikol, ten sentido completo.

Ben, ademais as oracións teñen un SUXEITO ( de que ou quen falamos) e un PREDICADO (o que dicimos do suxeito).

Fai os exercicios das dúas páxinas.



¿Cómo van esas división? Ahora toca por tres cifras.

Página 42 y 43: ejercicios 1- 5-6-7

domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2020




Do the activities and click on Finished / Terminado . Then click on Send to you teacher / Enviar a tu profesora . 

My E- mail adress is : evamaria.perez@edu.xunta.gal

 1-Look , read and learn.

2-Click on the clocks to listen to the times. Then drag and drop the correct option.


 3-Choose the correct option.



4-Write the time with words.


 5-Write the question and answer it .

 6-Write the time .


7-Match the digital times and the sentences.

8-Listen , order the sentences and write full sentences.